A collective of visionary minds

Profitable sustainability
Enerkem's waste-to-fuel technology addresses waste management challenges while reducing reliance on fossil fuels. Our solution is a corner stone element of the circular economy and a sustainable future.
That is why world-class investors made the decision to support our growth.

Where waste turns into opportunity
A community of ESG investors committed to promoting the circular economy

Unrivalled flexibility and versatility
Our technology is profitable worldwide thanks to its ability to process a large variety feedstock, plug in add-ons to produce a multitude of end-products and adapt to market conditions and regulations.

Strong value proposition for ESG investment
Enerkem specializes in low carbon intensity products made from sustainable feedstock, which is a vital component of ESG mandates globally. It provides measurable and comparable results, making it conducive to return on investment analysis.

A trusted partner
Enerkem has earned recognition and validation through reviews conducted by prominent third-party industry leaders, confirming the credibility and potential of our technology solutions.