Enerkem's CEO to Address the Benefits and Challenges of Advanced Fuels at Platts 4th Annual Cellulosic Ethanol and 2nd Generation Biofuels Conference
CHICAGO, Oct. 22 /CNW Telbec/ - Vincent Chornet, President and Chief Executive Officer of Enerkem, a leading waste-to-biofuels and green chemicals technology company, speaks today at the Platts 4th Annual Cellulosic Ethanol and 2nd Generation Biofuels Conference.

The US government has mandated the production of 36 billion gallons of renewable fuels by 2022, with 21 billion of these gallons required to qualify as advanced and cellulosic biofuels. These second generation biofuels are made from non-food feedstocks, such as municipal solid waste (MSW). Mr. Chornet will discuss how Enerkem is developing commercial projects that transform MSW into ethanol and other high-value products.
"MSW, as an abundant and inexpensive feedstock, is one of the most viable paths for building a domestic advanced biofuels industry. The use of end waste as feedstock after recycling, can increase energy security, create green jobs and decrease greenhouse gas emissions," explained Mr. Chornet. "Enerkem's technology is proven and we are currently developing commercial projects in North America."
Mr. Chornet will speak on the panel discussion "Municipal Solid Waste as a Feedstock - Benefits and Challenges", which will take place at 4:30 p.m. CDT at the conference being held at the Embassy Suites Downtown Lakefront, Chicago.
About Enerkem
Enerkem (www.enerkemweb.wpengine.com) is a leading waste-to-biofuels and green chemicals technology company. It has developed a unique gasification, sequential gas conditioning and catalysis technology platform, capable of using a mix of feedstock, such as sorted municipal solid waste, forest biomass and agricultural residues. The company is headquartered in Montreal, Quebec, and has engineering offices in Sherbrooke, Quebec. It has a pilot plant in operation since 2003 in Sherbrooke, Quebec. Enerkem's first commercial-scale plant, located in Westbury, Quebec, is currently operating. In addition to its waste-to-biofuels plant in Edmonton, Alberta, the Company is also developing another facility in Pontotoc, Mississippi. Enerkem is a private company, financed by leading US venture capital firms Rho Ventures and Braemar Energy Ventures, the Canadian investment fund BDR Capital and the Company's management.